Extended ECM Product Advisory Council

Meeting Date: April 10, 2024 | 8:00 am PT & 11:00 am ET | Duration: 2 hours
Confirm your participation

If you are still interested in joining the PAC in the future, or you have any questions related to the PAC program, please contact Michelle Landaverde.
Meeting Agenda
We're delighted to host you, our members, at our virtual PAC meeting. Topics include:
  • Content Aviator (Generative AI & large language model (LLM)) – Discuss the conversational search powered by generative AI integrated into Extended ECM.
  • Video – Examine how to manage, annotate, and clip videos in Extended ECM.
  • Upcoming Features – Preview the 24.3 & 24.4 innovations.
  • Roadmap prioritization – Review, discuss, and influence the priorities for the Extended ECM 2025/2026 roadmap.
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