Delivering on digital transformation through the call center
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2022

Time: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Eastern Time
Is your digital transformation strategy driving more calls to your contact center?

Self-service initiatives that teach customers to serve themselves are increasing call center activity. However, call centers and agents must learn to enable not hinder this transformation, for example, by coaching customers to help themselves when they call for assistance.

AI-driven software enables call center agents to empower customers and enhance service. While most quality assurance (QA) and customer experience (CX) managers only evaluate roughly five calls per-agent, per-month, AI can assess and glean valuable insights from every call. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and ultimately increases the ROI of your digital transformation.

Join the live webinar, Delivering Digital Transformation through the Call Center, on June 2nd, to learn about the power of voice and how OpenText customers can save money while improving customer satisfaction (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), CX and agent productivity with OpenTextTM Voice.
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