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Rapid and compliant information archiving : OpenText™ InfoArchive  
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Consolidate your legacy application data with rapid and compliant information archiving |  43mins
We know – the cost of retaining live data within obsolete, legacy applications for compliance and reference is straining your IT budgets unnecessarily.

Continued licensing, ongoing maintenance, and keeping ancient servers and mainframes online simply to host these applications for records retention and user reference use vital resources that your IT department could put to better use.  
Watch the webinar on-demand and learn how OpenText solutions can help you securely, efficiently archive and decommission any application and any data across any industry and use case, with:
  • Data integrity - apply corporate-based retention policies
  • Security and privacy – data masking to protect PII
  • Accelerated cloud transition while facilitating convenient web access
  • Optimized infrastructure – flexible modern data access
Let us help you archive and decommission any type of application and any type of data across any industry and use case! 
OpenText Experts:
Mike Safar, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at OpenText
Vinod Kumar Sr. Principal Solutions Consultant at OpenText
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