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Connect with OpenText at CadenceLIVE Silicon Valley 2023
Santa Clara Convention Center, California | April 19 – 20, 2023
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Organizations offering frictionless hybrid work are more successful

Meet with OpenText experts at CadenceLIVE Silicon Valley 2023 and see how virtualized EDA applications can perform regardless of whether they run in datacenters or in the cloud.  Learn how to migrate your existing EDA software to the cloud to provide a frictionless hybrid work experience for your demanding engineering users.

Equip your teams with the right tools for blazing fast and secure remote access to their graphically demanding EDA applications. 

Meet with OpenText at CadenceLIVE Silicon Valley 2023
Date: April 19 - 20
Location: Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Book a meeting with an OpenText expert!
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