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Use Content to enhance Salesforce and deliver a perfect customer journey!
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Webinar On Demand
Sales and service professionals use CRM systems to track their interactions with customers, but incoming and outgoing content is often managed separately.  Customer account information is soon siloed, difficult or impossible to access when it’s needed most.  

To be successful, you need a full 360 degree view of your customers, including real-time interactions with other departments such as customer support and marketing.

Watch this webinar on demand to see how OpenText™ for Salesforce solutions can deliver total experience for customers and employees by:  

  • Streamlining interactions and processes integrated within Salesforce CRM
  • Providing a common document generation solution for communications
  • Removing siloed content with a centralise document repository to deliver one source truth for customers and employees

Watch this webinar on demand to see OpenText™ solutions for Salesforce in action – with a detailed Customer Onboarding demo.

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