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Managing the Lifecycle Of Your Critical Documents
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Expert Session: Managing the Lifecycle Of Your Critical Documents  
Recording 49:43 mins
Join this webinar to hear how a leading manufacturer of diagnostic healthcare products manages their critical documents across the organization.

Richard Low, responsible for the OpenText™ Enterprise Content Management solutions at QuidelOrtho, will discuss how his team supports the business by delivering low-code document control solutions tailored to each department.

See firsthand how OpenText™ Document Control for Extended ECM can help:

  • Manage the lifecycle of your controlled documents, reducing overall costs.
  • Safeguard compliance with complete audit trails.
  • Ensure your employees have read and understood critical documents.
  • Quickly adapt processes to meet company and department requirements.
  • Improve decision making by leveraging pre-configured real-time reports.

Whether you‘re a manufacturer, an energy company, or a financial services organization, you deal with critical documents every day. Policies and procedures, compliance reports, technical papers, financial statements, and countless other documents must be controlled from creation through approval and are subject to periodic reviews and document training.

That’s why it‘s critical organizations ensure these documents are properly managed and kept current to prevent down time, reduce human errors, avoid regulatory fines, improve overall quality, and provide a safe environment.
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