Content Suite Security and Productivity Pack
(presented by OpenText Partner Cassia)
Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 11:00am Eastern

Join us to learn more about how Content Suite Security and Productivity Pack is a toolbox of handy OpenText Content Server / GCdocs tweaks and configurations to help adoption and usage of your system.

Features and Benefits:

LOCATION-BASED PRIVILEGES Control not only who can create objects such as folders, but where they may create them! "Folders only in Personal Workspaces"? No problem!

GREATER COLLECTION FLEXIBILITY Traditional Content Server requires "Permissions" access to delete a Collection. The Content Suite Security and Productivity Pack allows the level of delete permission to be configured – restricted to specific groups and locations!

GREATER MAJOR/MINOR VERSION PROMOTION FLEXIBILITY Similarly to Collections, Content Server requires "Permissions" access to promote a minor version to a major version. The Content Suite Security and Productivity Pack allows the level of promotion permission to be configured.

PERMISSIONS LOCKER People with “Edit Permissions” permissions on an item can view and edit permissions for all users and groups on that item. This feature excludes specified users and groups from the permissions list.

SUPPLEMENTAL MARKINGS LOCKER Provide supplemental markings remove privileges for certain users and groups.
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