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CCM to CXM Transformation - Why Now?
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On Demand Webinar
The customer communication management (CCM) sector is constantly evolving as technology advances and customer expectations change. Organizations that focused on customer experience (CX) during recessions saw 3x the returns as those who did not. But building a smarter CX requires an understanding of the current state of CX technology and how effective customer experience management (CXM) is shifting the market.

Join us to hear our expert panel discuss why leading brands are making the transformation from CCM to CXM and the how your organization can get started.

At this webinar you will learn:

  • Why modernization of your customer communications strategy is imperative now
  • What is needed to migrate to the new world and steps to take
  • How other organizations approached their CCM Modernization & the impact on Customer Experience 

For this session we assembled an esteemed group of consulting and technology leaders in the CCM and CX sectors as our panelists:

  • Kaspar Roos, Founder and CEO, Aspire
  • Pradeep Kamalanabhan, Global Head - Enterprise Content Management Practice, BFSI at Tata Consultancy Services
  • Will Cook, Solutions Consulting Director, OpenText

Download the webinar now.
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