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OpenText Partner Solutions Spotlight Webinar:

How to leverage LLM tools to create enhanced applications on OpenText Extended ECM

Presented by OpenText Solution Extensions Partner AnswerModules
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June 1st, 2023 at 11am Eastern
AI tools, like Large Language Models (LLMs), are revolutionizing the way of developing applications and are shaping the future of the low-coding landscape.

Here the question naturally arises: Is it possible to adopt LLM tools in the context of OpenText Extended ECM? If so, what are the benefits that this combination could bring?

During the webinar, we’ll be showcasing how Module Suite and its low-coding capabilities can leverage LLM tools to offer an unprecedented application creation experience.

Module Suite is the most successful digital transformation enabler and accelerator for Extended ECM on and off Cloud, which allows organizations to easily create tailored business solutions on top of their ECM platform. It is the flagship product of AnswerModules, a multi-award winning OpenText Solution Extensions partner.

Paolo Rimoldi - Sales and Strategic Alliances Manager
Patrick Vitali - CEO and CTO

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